branding describes the process by which individuals, professionals &
entrepreneurs differentiate themselves and stand out from a crowd by
identifying and articulating their unique value proposition, whether
professional or personal, and then leveraging it across platforms with a
consistent message to achieve a specific goal. It is also a process of
self discovery of your strengths, capabilities, passions, likes and interest –
that contribute positively to your professional, social and personal life.
In this
way, an individual can
enhance their recognition as experts in their field,
establish reputation and credibility,
advance their careers, and
• build
Branding is NOT Image Management.
term personal brand is believed to have first appeared in the August 1997 issue
of Fast Company Magazine, in an article by management guru and author Tom
Peters, who wrote,
are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most
important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You."