Personal Branding is the continuous process which when properly
executed can help individuals differentiate themselves by identifying and
articulating their unique value proposition (brand promise) in the minds of
their target customers in order to achieve a specific goal.
Personal Branding involves 4Ws & 1H:
- who you really are (your skills, values, passions and personality),
- what do you do (your offering, expertise)
- who do you do it for (your target market or audience), and
- why you ( how you differ from the competition through your unique promise of value, experience, knowledge).
- how do you do it (articulation, communication and positioning)
successful Personal Brand creates a consistent, targeted positive impression
that helps you achieve BOTH your personal and professional goals. Most
importantly, it also allows you to live and work authentically, since a
successful brand can’t be faked.
Very simply put Personal Branding is
about understanding who you are and what you stand for.
And then blending this with personal
aspect of you
with what you do (the
professional you).
Nothing can be more unique than that -
because you are unique and so should
be your offerings.
Therefore, your Personal Brand is what separates you from everyone else in the world – and your Personal Brand is the thing that helps you stand out from the competition.
Ready to work on your Personal Brand now?