Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Personal Branding is NOT Image Management

Breaking some myth: 

Personal Branding is not a very talked about subject in India yet, though this is a huge thing in west. Unfortunately, the few so called Personal Branding “companies” in India are primarily into Image consulting while calling it personal branding. This is not only fueling the misconception around it, it primarily amounts to deceiving people with a very wrong notion.

Personal Branding is based on personal goals of individuals which are tuned based on individual strengths, experience, expertise and knowledge for a long term purpose, with a Roadmap and timeline as well as skill-set adjustments.

This also defines the potential  Customer Group the individual might be addressing (example a mid level executive’s CG can be the CEO of the organization; an artist’s CG can be the gallery owners, or a start-up entrepreneur’s CG could be investors or end users ) as well as the positioning that one should take given the above factors (GOTO person, best in the industry, great story writer, etc)

Imagine two beautifully wrapped boxes. One is covered in attractive wrapping paper, but contains only scraps, while the other has unique and excellent gifts inside it.

Image Management is like the first box that deals with your ‘image’ or appearance alone, whereas Personal Branding is essential life or career strategy to make you Unique and Influential in the area of your work or specialization.

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